1978年10月--- 1982年8月,就讀于南開大學經濟系,本科畢業。
1988年9月 ---1991 年2月,北京大學經濟學院碩士研究生畢業。
Mr. Liang Yu ___ Chairman of China ForestryExchange
Mr. Liang Yu has been active in the nationaleconomic system reforms and continuously in China’s equity exchange marketsince early 1990s. He ever took responsibilities as Executive Director offormer National Economic System Reform Research Committee, Executive VicePresident of Zhong Yang Capital Management Co. Ltd, and Vice President ofBeijing ZhongGuangCun Technology Equity Exchange. Since 2004, BeijingZhongGuanCun Technology Equity Exchange was merged with Beijing Equity
Exchange Center
to form today’s China Beijing Equity Exchange, and Mr. Liang Yu took positionas Executive Vice President of China Beijing Equity Exchange. In 2009, Mr.Liang Yu established China Forestry Exchange under the approval of the StateCouncil and the National Forestry Administration, and he becomes the Chairmanof China Forestry Exchange。
Mr. Liang Yu accomplished his studies from Peking University
as Master of Economics and completed his graduate studies from Nankai University.Now, Mr. Liang is Associate Research Fellow。
Pluralism __Chairmanof China Forestry Exchange;
__Chairman of China Beijing Gold Exchange;
__ExecutiveVice President of China Beijing Equity Exchange;
__VicePresident of China Japan Equity Exchange;
__ViceChairman of Asian American Equity Exchange;
__ Former Directorof Management Institute under Ministry of Light Industry;
__ Former ExecutiveDirector of National Economic System Reform Research Committee;
__Former ExecutiveVice Director of Consulting and Planning
Center, National EconomicSystem Reform Research Committee;
__Former ExecutiveVice President of Zhong Yang Capital Management Co. Ltd,
__ Former VicePresident of Viewpoint Media Company under the Information Office of the StateCouncil;
__Former Vice Presidentof Beijing ZhongGuangCun Technology Equity Exchange;
__FormerVice President of China Beijing Equity Exchange;