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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:09  新浪財經



  李怒云,博士, 現任國家林業局應對氣候變化工作辦公室常務副主任,負責制定中國林業碳匯管理和林木生物質能源等有關制度與政策,創建了中國綠色碳基金及其運行模式,開展了具有中國特色的碳匯造林和碳匯計量監測等。主要研究領域:林業碳匯、林木生物質能源、生態服務市場等。 編著(譯)出版《中國林業碳匯》 《林業碳匯計量》 《造林綠化與氣候變化—碳匯問題研究》等。曾赴美國作高級訪問學者。 兼任全球人文因素影響計劃中國國家委員會委員、北京林學會副理事長、國家林木種苗標委會副主任委員。

  Li Nuyun

  Deputy Director General ofOffice for Combating Climate Change,StateForestry Administration

  PhDLi Nuyun is the Deputy Director General of Office for Combating   Climate Change in State ForestryAdministration of China, who is in charge of constituting the related systemsand policies in China

  about the administration of Forestry Carbon Sequestration and the Bioenergy of Forest. She established the mode of China Green CarbonFund, and developed the Carbon Sequestration Forestation and Carbon Accountingand Monitoring in China

  as well. Forestry Carbon Sequestration, Bioenergy of Forest and EcologicalService Market etc. are involved in the major study regions of hers. Herpublications include Forestry Carbon Sequestrationin China, Carbon Accounting and Monitoring and The Aforestation and Climate Change---

  Study on Carbon Sequestration and so on. Li Nuyun was a senior visiting scholarto the USA.She also acts as part-time commissioner of ChineseNation Committee for the International Human Dimensions Programme on GlobalEnvironmental Change , vice-director of Beijing Forestry Association, andvice-director and commissioner of Forest Seed Standard Committee of China。

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