新浪財經(jīng) > 會議講座 > 地壇論壇2010 > 正文
賀強,男,滿族,1952年9月14日,黑龍江齊齊哈爾人,現(xiàn)任中央財經(jīng)大學金融學院教授、博導、證券期貨研究所所長,長期從事股份制與金融證券的教學和科研工作,是國內(nèi)著名的金融證券專家。擔任十一屆全國政協(xié)委員、政協(xié)經(jīng)濟委員會委員、政協(xié)信息局特聘信息員、北京市政府參事、中國金融學會理事、中國投資協(xié)會理事、中國金融學年會常務理事、中國經(jīng)濟社會理事會理事,享受國家政府特殊津貼專家。獲評“2006年中國金融業(yè)杰出貢獻專家”,并被評為2008年“十大最親民的預測家”之一,2009年獲 “北京市優(yōu)秀教師”獎,2010年被評為“北京市先進工作者”。
Qiang He, (born in September 14, 1952) who is thefamous expert in financial securities, is currently a professor of School ofFinance, Central University of Finance and Economics, instructor of PhDstudents, and director of Securities and Futures Institute. Professor He isalso a member of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, CPPCC Economic Commission,and Distinguished Information Bureau of CPPCC. With the insightful contributionin the development of Chinese economic, he is selected as the counselor of theBeijing Municipal Government. Meantime, he is the director of China Society forFinance and Banking, the Investment Association of China. Chinese FinanceAnnual Meeting, and China Economic and Social Council. Professor He is the expertwho enjoys special government allowances, and he was honored as an expert ofOutstanding Achievement to Chinese Financial Economic in 2006. In 2008, he wasgranted as one of the “Top Ten People First Forecasters”. In 2009, he wasawarded as “Beijing Outstanding Teacher” prize. In 2010, he was named as“Advanced Worker in Beijing”。