Michael Cox
ExecutiveChairman,NationalStock Exchange of Australia Ltd。
Mr Cox is executive Chairman of the National StockExchange of Australia Ltd. The NationalStock Exchange of Australia is a fully regulated securities exchange assistingcompanies in their growth by enabling the access to capital markets. TheNational Stock Exchange is a growing market with some 90 Securities listed witha combined market capitalisation of around A$1 billion. Prior to acting ascorporate consultant and professional director, Mr Cox has 10 years experiencein the securities industry。Mr Coxhas acted as executive and non-executive directors for public companies in thearea of Biotechnology, Environmental products, and resources and is a directorof a number of private and public unlisted companies. Mr Cox was CEOof the NSX at the time it listed on the initial public offering and merger withthe Bendigo Stock Exchange. Mr Cox is a partner in Solidus FinancialServices – public accountants and holds Bachelor Degrees in Science (Geologymajor) and Laws。