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Marc Uzan
Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
馬克·讓先生是新布雷頓森林體系委員會執行長官、創辦人。該委員會是一個智庫,旨在通過促進市場與政府的對話,推動國際金融基礎設施的改革。他與各國財長、中央銀行密切合作,并自1999年20國集團創立開始就與各任主席合作。他還是歐洲50集團的秘書長及中央銀行顧問委員會委員。馬克·讓先生是眾多著作的編輯,包括《壓力下的金融體系-世紀經濟的新結構》(Routledge出版社1996年3月);《全球化時代的私人資本流動》(Edward Elgars出版社2000年);《沒有危機的資本流動?》(Routledge出版社2001年);《國際貨幣體系的未來》(2004)以及與努里爾·魯比尼合著的《國際財務機構》手冊(2006),《國際貨幣體系,IMF與G20》(Palgrave出版社2007年),《全球化的宏觀經濟學》(2008)。他還著有關于國際金融體系新架構的學術論文。馬克·讓先生從巴黎多菲內大學獲得國際經濟與金融碩士學位,并曾在加州大學伯克利分校經濟系做訪問學者。
Marc Uzan is theExecutive Director and founder of the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee(www.rbwf.org) founded in 1994. The Committee is a think-tank focusing on theinternational financial architecture issues through a regular dialog betweenmarkets and governments. He works closely with various world central banks,ministries of finance, and also with the different chairs of the G20 since itsinception in 1999, by bringing different stakeholders together in numerousseminars around the world on issues related to global finance. He is also theSecretary General of the Euro50Group (www.euro50.org), and Member of the AdvisoryBoard of Central Banking. Marc Uzan is the editor of numerous volumes:Financial System Under Stress – A New Architecture of the World Economy,Routledge, March 1996; Private Capital Flows in the Age of Globalisation,Edward Elgars Publishers, 2000; Capital Flows without Crisis? Routledge (2001).The future of the international monetary System (2004) and a handbook on theinternational financial architecture with Nouriel Roubini (2006), and theInternational Monetary System, the IMF and the G20 (Palgrave 2007), and themacroeconomics of globalisation (2008). He is the author of several academicpapers on the new architecture for the international financial system. He holdsa Master Degree in International Economics and Finance from the Université deParis Dauphine.He has been a visiting scholar at the Department of Economics of the University of California,