達倫有超過7年在中國和歐洲合作的經驗, 包括碳交易市場的一級市場,二級市場,自愿減排和碳信用量欠缺的市場。他還與中國主要鋼鐵生產商發展出口業務,以及幫他們取到國際認證。
Darren Barrows
Managing Director,Total Global Steel Asia Pacific
Darrenhas over 7 years experience working between China
and Europe. His experience in the Carbonmarket covers both the primary and secondary sectors in the voluntary andcompliance markets. He has also worked with major Steel producers in China todevelop export sales, and attain International accreditation。
Hismost recent experiences include:
RepresentingTGS at the UK
government climate change delegation in January 2010 as both a speaker and apanellist。
Securingand launching a pioneering green technology heating product which TGS willintroduce into the Chinese market to develop CDM. The product saves between 50%and 75% of electricity compared to conventional heating。
Developingstrategy for the industry-renown TGS offset site to be launched in China, with aGold Standard portfolio pledge。