布萊恩∙普萊斯是澳大利亞金融和能源交易所(FEX)的首席執行官。同時他擔任澳大利亞麥卡利(Mercari)公司的董事和澳大利亞Envex公司的非執行董事。前者是澳大利亞持牌的利率和外匯掉期交易(eSEF)金融市場經營商,后者是FEX公司與澳大利亞麥覺理資本集團(Macquarie CapitalGroup)和英國氣候交易所公司(ClimateExchange Plc)共同組建的專事環境市場交易產品開發的合資企業。
布萊恩在澳大利亞金融和能源交易所負責全面推進公司的商業發展戰略目標,包括能源、商品和環境衍生品交易市場建設。他還倡導組建了澳大利亞可持續發展創業板證券交易所(SIM VSE)這一全球唯一的專業清潔技術產業證券交易市場。
Brian Price
Chief Executive Officer,Financial & EnergyExchange (FEX)
BrianPrice is the Chief Executive Officer of the Financial & Energy Exchange (FEX), a director of the Australianlicensed interest rate and currency Swap Execution Facility (eSEF) marketoperator Mercari and a non executive director of enVex an environmental productdevelopment joint venture with Macquarie Capital Group and Climate Exchangeplc。
In his role at FEX, BrianPrice is responsible for the overall implementation of the FEX strategicobjectives in developing the FEX business including the energy, commodity andenvironmental derivative markets and the initiative of the SIMVenture Securities Exchange (SIM VSE), the onlyglobal and specialized clean technology equity market。
Previous to FEX, Brian wasan Australia-based specialized market risk derivativeasset manager and derivatives consultant with over 25 years experience incomplex derivative transactions, specialized tactical portfolio overlay,equities and derivatives trading and option pricing. His specialization issystemic risk insurance and hedging for market or systemic risk。
Brian’s educationalqualifications include a Bachelor of Commerce (accounting and informationsystems) and a Master of Commerce (tax and finance), both from the University of New South Wales in Australia。