Timothy P. Halter
Founder and Chairman
Halter Financial Group. L.P。
美國沃特財務集團創始人& CEO
自1987年以來,沃特財務集團創始人蒂姆·沃特先生共參與了100多例的APO與“上市”交易。沃特財務集團是一家致力于協助企業在美國證券市場上市的專業財務顧問公司。沃特不僅活躍于美國國內的業務往來,以中國為重心的全球交易也是沃特所專注的業務。 沃特財團是多個投資基金的合作伙伴,其中包括在紐交所群島交易所上市的交易型開放式指數基金——PowerShares 金龍沃特 USX 中國指數基金(“PGJ”),以及沃特環球機會基金(私人股本對沖基金)。 沃特先生還是USX沃特中國指數的創始人兼聯席董事總經理,并且擔任于納斯達克上市發行DXP Enterprises公司的董事會成員。
Since 1987, Tim Halter, founder of HalterFinancial Group, has been principally involved in more than 100 APO® and “goingpublic” transactions. Halter FinancialGroup is a financial advisory firm that specializes in assisting companies inaccessing the U.S。
equity markets. In addition to itsactive domestic business, HFG has a particular focus on internationaltransactions with an emphasis in China. HFG is a partner in various investment fundsincluding the PowerShares Golden Dragon Halter USX China Portfolio, an ETFlisted on the NYSE Arca (“PGJ”), and the Halter Global Opportunity Fund, aprivate equity hedge fund.
Mr. Halter is also the founder and Co-Managing Director of the HalterUSX China Index and is on the board of DXP Enterprises, Inc. a NASDAQ listeddistribution company。