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http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月26日 15:24  新浪財經

  The Ranking of Enterprises in China is created by the China CSR Research Center of the Southern weekly, which includes three List: “Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises (Mainland)”,” Overall Ranking of Contribution of Fortune Global 500 in China” and “Overall Ranking of Listed State-owned Companies by Corporate Social Responsibility”. It is a comprehensive assessment of Chinese private enterprises in terms of capital scale and CSR. It is based on authoritative data from the government and an assessment system including indices of “operation”, “social contribution”, “CSR” and “public image”.

  企業社會責任特刊 CSR Special editions


  One or two special editions on CSR will be issued in the fourth season annually. Relevant statistics, research reports as well as reports on CSR will all be publicized in these special editions.

  社會責任大講堂 CSR Lectures


  The CSR center will invite renowned scholars and advisors from advisory organizations to give lectures at universities (Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sin University and the like) across China. All information about the lectures will also be released through on-line special coverage or special editions.

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