2008年度應對全球氣候變暖造林項目費用說明http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:11 新浪財經
費用說明 為實現本次活動目標,達到預期效果,同時又大力宣傳參與本次活動企業的社會公益形象,提高企業知名度,本次活動的組織過程及費用使用情況均向捐贈單位公開,嚴格遵守中國綠化基金會相關的費用管理制度。 1、本次活動所募集經費中約30%用于植樹成本,包含大苗費、運費、種植費及10年養護費等。 2、本次活動所募集經費中約60%用于本項目相關活動的組織和宣傳,包含項目啟動儀式新聞發布會、植樹儀式、與電視臺合作頒獎晚會以及貫穿活動各階段的宣傳工作,力爭達到最佳傳播效果。 3、本次活動所募集經費中約10%用于主辦單位在此項目上的辦公和管理費用。 Description of Expenses To achieve the expected effects of this activity, and to build a good public image for every participating enterprise, the expenses occurred in this activity will be reported to the funding enterprises in details, and the fund management rule of China Green Foundation will be strictly obeyed. 1. 30 percent of the fund will be used in compensation of the cost for tree-planting, including expenses of the big seedlings, the transportation fee, the planting fee and the cost for 10 years' maintenance; 2. 60 percent of the fund will be used in compensation of the cost for the organization and promotion of the big events, including the start-up ceremony press conference, tree planting ceremony, awarding ceremony in cooperation with TV stations and other promotion activities throughout the whole process of the program; 3. 10 percent of the fund will be used as office work and management expenses of the organizers.
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