2008年度應對全球氣候變暖造林項目企業林http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:09 新浪財經
企業林 此次活動是中國綠化基金會和中國國家發改委國際合作中心首次大規模面向在華外國機構企業發起的造林活動。為激發各在華外國機構和企業員工的社會責任意識和參與積極性,主辦單位專門設計了外企員工同植“企業林”的活動。 報名認植“企業林”的在華外國企業和機構可以組織員工參與植樹活動。“企業林”將以認植的機構或企業的名稱命名。這是一次向外企員工普及社會責任意識、表現企業凝聚力、增加集體榮譽感的機會。 匯集了眾多在華外國知名機構和企業的“企業林”旨在體現在華外國機構和企業全體員工對社會責任項目的積極支持和熱情參與,展示在華外國機構和企業的凝聚力。“企業林”是一個窗口,展現在全球氣候變暖的問題上,所有外企員工、領導正在積極響應中國政府及聯合國所倡導的精神,體現“我們在努力•中國在努力•世界在努力”的活動主旨。 Enterprise Woods It is the first large-scale planting activity jointly hosted by China Green Foundation, the International Cooperation Center of NDRC, the News & Information Center of People’s Daily and the Corporate Citizenship Center of Boston College catering to the foreign institutions and enterprises in China. The organizer has designed the “Enterprise Woods” planting activity to get the employees of foreign enterprises involved in order to trigger their sense of social responsibility and the enthusiasm for participation. On the day of planting, enterprises and institutions that have registered for part of the woods may bring all the staff or the representatives to join this program. Trees planted will be named after the institutions and enterprises based on registration, which will turn out to be a good opportunity for these staff to popularize
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