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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:09 新浪財經

  此次活動是中國綠化基金會和中國國家發改委國際合作中心首次大規模面向在華外國機構企業發起的造林活動,主辦單位專門為在華外國機構和企業的領導設計了共植“CEO 林”的活動。

  所有報名的外國機構和企業CEO將在活動當天,共同栽下以CEO名字命名的樹木。“CEO林”旨在表現在華外國機構和企業CEO以身作則的表率作用,展示在華外國機構和企業的領導對參與社會責任項目的重視和參與。“CEO林”既代表CEO個人,也代表熱心參與活動的在華外國機構和企業,代表在華外國機構和企業CEO群體。“CEO林”將是在華外國機構和企業回報社會的一座 “榜樣示范林”。

  “CEO 林”通過外企知名CEO 的國際影響力,向世界展現在華外國機構和企業正在響應中國政府、響應聯合國在應對全球氣候變暖問題上所倡導的精神,大家一起努力應對全球氣候變暖問題,表現“我們在努力•中國在努力•世界在努力”的活動主旨。

  It is the first large-scale planting activity jointly hosted by China Green Foundation and the International Cooperation Center of National Development and Reform Commission (ICC/NDRC) catering to the foreign institutions and enterprises in China. The “CEO Woods” planting activity has been designed especially for the senior executive officers of these foreign entities.

  With all the trees to be planted on the day of the activity named after their respective planter-the CEOs, the “CEO Woods” program aims to set the CEOs as role models and show their attention to and participation in programs related with the social responsibility. The “CEO Woods” represents not only the CEOs themselves, but also the community of foreign organizations and enterprises in China who are enthusiastic for this

  activity. It will become the “Model Forest” through which foreign organization and enterprises can show their reward to the whole society.

  One more crucial impact of the “CEO Woods” lies in that, with the worldwide influences of the renowned CEOs from those foreign enterprises, the “CEO Woods” will show the whole world that these foreign organizations and companies in China are acting upon the appeals of Chinese governments as well as the United Nations to actively respond to the issue of global warming, and making joint efforts to demonstrate the theme of our activity --“All are making efforts -The world, China and Ourselves”.

【 新浪財經吧 】
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