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http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月08日 18:51 新浪財經



  “中國最佳商業(yè)領袖獎”獲獎的商業(yè)領袖將自動成為 “亞洲最佳商業(yè)領袖獎” 候選人!皝喼拮罴焉虡I(yè)領袖獎”(簡稱ABLA)是CNBC亞太公司主辦的泛亞地區(qū)商業(yè)成就表彰活動,自2001年至今,已分別在新加坡、香港、上海和馬來西亞舉辦了五屆,其公信度受到業(yè)內人士的一致認可。






  l 年度中國最佳商業(yè)領袖獎


  l 年度企業(yè)公民獎


  l 年度創(chuàng)新人物獎


  l CEO評選出的年度CEO


  l 受眾心目中的年度最佳CEO


  l 中國最佳人才管理獎






  第三輪評選:由8-10人組成的獨立評審委員會進行最后一輪評選,他們將結合訪談筆錄和其他重要數據,選出3位商業(yè)領導人分獲年度中國最佳商業(yè)領袖獎, 年度企業(yè)公民獎, 年度創(chuàng)新人物獎3個獎項。并且,他們三位將自動作為候選人,參評“2007亞洲商業(yè)領袖獎”。

  此外,“CEO評選出的年度CEO獎”的評選方式為:將邀請各公司負責人以電子郵件或在CBLA官方網站投票的方式,從入圍的候選人中作出他們的選擇。該獎項的獲得者將自動成為“亞洲商業(yè)領袖獎 CEO評選出的年度CEO獎”的候選人。受眾心目中的年度最佳CEO則通過網絡平臺、電子郵件等形式,讓普通大眾選出他們心目中最認同的中國年度CEO。



  l 2007年8月13日(上海) 新聞發(fā)布會







  l 2007年9月20日(上海) 直播頒獎典禮



  時間安排:15:00-16:00 紅地毯

  16:00-17:30 頒獎

  17:30-18:30 雞尾酒會&獲獎者/VIP專訪

  18:30-20:30 晚宴


  Jeff Immelt,GE全球CEO










  l 2007年10月中旬(北京、上海、香港) 中國最佳商業(yè)領袖獎校園活動



  主題:領導力 遠見



  主題:領導力 共贏



  主題:領導力 協作


  l 皇家禮炮年度中國最佳商業(yè)領袖獎

  2005獲獎者:海南航空有限公司董事長 陳峰

  2006獲獎者:中國海洋石油總公司黨總書記、總經理 傅成玉

  l 年度企業(yè)公民獎

  2005獲獎者:深圳赤灣港航股份有限公司董事總經理 鄭少平

  2006獲獎者:摩托羅拉(中國)電子有限公司總裁 高瑞彬

  l 年度創(chuàng)新人物獎

  2005獲獎者:德爾福派克電氣系統(tǒng)有限公司董事長 艾博彬

  2006獲獎者:中國招商銀行行長 馬蔚華

  l CEO評選出的年度CEO

  2005獲獎者:國美集團總裁 黃光裕

  2006獲獎者: A.O.史密斯中國熱水器有限公司總經理 丁威

  l 受眾心目中的年度最佳CEO

  2005獲獎者:上海盛大網絡發(fā)展有限公司董事兼CEO 陳天橋

  2006獲獎者:美特斯邦威集團董事長、總裁 周成建



  葛小姐 gexiaogeng@stv.sh.cn 62565899*3599

  宋小姐 jaz@stv.sh.cn 62565899*3632



  第一財經積極開展國際合作,拓展國際影響力。第一財經已經和全球著名財經傳媒CNBC結為戰(zhàn)略伙伴,第一財經與道瓊斯聯手推出 “道瓊斯第一財經中國600指數”,這是中國市場上第一個權威覆蓋滬深兩地證券交易所的綜合指數產品.

  l 第一財經廣播(FM97.7):


  l 第一財經電視:


  l 第一財經日報:


  l 第一財經網站(www.china-cbn.com):


  l 第一財經雜志:


  l 第一財經研究院:




  CNBC財經電視臺亞太總部以其特定的播出方式服務于整個亞太的觀眾。亞太總部位于新加坡的CNBC每日實時播送九小時的亞洲節(jié)目,并且同步報道歐洲和美國的市場動態(tài)。CNBC財經電視臺亞太總部的頻道包括CNBC亞太、CNBC -TV18(印度)、CNBC( 巴基斯坦)、CNBC-日經(日本),人們可以在亞太地區(qū)的21個國家收看到這些頻道。財經電視臺亞太總部也與上海文廣新聞傳媒集團旗下的第一財經有著戰(zhàn)略聯盟的關系,同時和韓國最大的媒體集團Chosun旗下的Digital Chosun 有著合作關系。這些頻道通過衛(wèi)星、有線光纜、陸基廣播網以及寬帶傳送。財經電視臺的內容也通過3G平臺上在一些市場播出。有關進一步信息,請訪問:www.cnbc.com

  CNBC財經電視臺由GE旗下的廣播分支機構NBC 環(huán)球全權擁有和管理。GE 在財富雜志2007年3月對管理人員進行的年度調查中,榮獲“世界最受尊敬的公司”稱號。








  芝加哥大學商學院 (GSB) 成立于 1898 年,是一所培養(yǎng)諾貝爾獎得主的學院。學院在革新和高素質畢業(yè)生輸出方面享有聲譽。

  GSB也是第一所提供商業(yè)博士課程 (1920) 和最先開創(chuàng)EMBA 課程的商學院(1943)。七年前,芝加哥 GSB 亞洲分院在新加坡成立,其 EMBA 課程吸引了來自整個亞洲及其它國家的眾多行政管理人員。學院還專為有潛力的經理人和經驗豐富的專業(yè)人士謀求更高職位而開設了在職 EMBA 課程。所有修讀這些課程的 GSB 學員將在倫敦、芝加哥和新加坡三個校區(qū)上課。亞洲分院(位于新加坡)所提供的EMBA 課程與倫敦和芝加哥分院所提供的一樣,并由相同的教師講授所有的 GSB 課程。

  GSB 在全球擁有 40,000 多名畢業(yè)生,組成了一個活躍的校友網。這些畢業(yè)生分別在各行各業(yè)獲得了成功,其中約有 5,500 名世界各地大公司的 CEO 和高層管理人員。







  The China Business Leaders Awards (CBLA) aim to recognize and honor business leaders who have made great business achievements in China, encourage business exchange and cooperation, promote communication and study of management experiences and become a top-notch event for commending business achievements in China.

  The business leaders recognized by the CBLA will automatically become candidates for the Asia Business Leaders Awards (ABLA). The ABLA, which is sponsored by CNBC Asia Pacific, recognizes business achievements in the Pan-Asia Region. Since 2001, it has been held four times in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Malaysia and is recognized universally in the business world.


  Co-hosts: China Business Network and CNBC Asia Pacific

  Knowledge partner: Chicago Graduate School of Business

  Research partner: Development Dimensions International (DDI)


  l China Business Leader of the Year

  The Royal Salute China Business Leader of the Year Award recognizes the chief executive who is able to retain loyal customers, inspire and motivate staff, increase profitability and make his or her vision for the company a reality.

  l Corporate Citizen of the Year

  The Corporate Citizen of the Year Award acknowledges outstanding contributions to the arts, education, environment and community development. The winner of this award is determined by their ability to translate a company’s success into benefits for the community.

  l Innovator of the Year

  The Innovator of the Year Award acknowledges inventive thinking in business. It is based on achievements in new product development and groundbreaking business processes, models and strategies. This award recognizes the business leader who has demonstrated the ability to turn “reinvention” into success.

  l CEOs’ Choice of the Year

  The CEO’s Choice of the Year Award is determined by a poll of the top executives throughout the region. Company heads will be invited to vote either by email or through the official 2007 CBLA website for their choice of CEO from among the short-listed semi-finalists.

  l Public’s Choice of CEO of the Year

  The Public’s Choice of CEO of the Year Award is determined by a public poll conducted via email, SMS and the 2007 CBLA website.

  l China Talent Management Award

  The China Talent Management Award recognizes the manager who is able to give his or her elites enough credit and regard. As the global marketing growing, No matter managing incorporating, promoting new product or exceeding client’s expectation, Chinese corporation’s ability to involve in competition is depends on those elites at last. These winners should have an efficient system to searching, developing and retaining elites in the worldwide. Otherwise, they also need to personally select and train these elites to become continuator in the future.

  Awards Selection Process

  The CBLA award appraisals will be led by the world renowned Chicago Graduate School of Business and DDI, involving scholars from around the world, retired business leaders, experts in Asia business operations and business journalists. The final round of appraisals will be conducted by an independent committee made up of eight to ten people.

  In order to ensure impartiality, the appraisals will be conducted in three rounds. The appraising committee will judge candidates by their financial performance, leadership abilities, creativity, innovative ability, social responsibility, etc. They will focus on the short-time advantages, long-term value, competitive advantages they created and the leadership abilities they displayed in the business world.

  Round 1: Analysis of massive amounts of data on Chinese companies; selection of 20 large, middle and small-size candidate companies from the top 50 companies in every industry.

  Round 2: Selection of CEOs from 8-10 candidate companies according to various requirements they must meet and interview the CEOs separately to evaluate their leadership abilities and business philosophies.

  Candidates Requirements

  a. At least two years in a senior leadership position

  b. Currently employed at candidate company during appraisals

  c. Responsible for a staff of at least 150 employees

  d. Location of the candidate company is within the country and region involved in the appraisal

  Round 3: An independent appraising committee will conduct the final round of appraisals and select three business leaders for the China Business Leader Award of the Year, the Corporate Citizen Award of the Year and the Innovator Award of the Year. The three people will then automatically become candidates for the “Asian Business Leader Award of the Year”.

  Winners of the CEOs’ Choice of the Year and the Public’s Choice of the Year will not be eligible for the “Asian Business Leader Award of the Year”.


  China Business Network

  n China Business Network (CBN), a flagship broadcaster of Shanghai Media Group (SMG), is a first cross-media, cross-regional financial information platform in China.

  n CBN has established a strategic partnership with CNBC, which marked an historic breakthrough for Chinese TV entry into the world mainstream media arena.

  n In another exclusive partnership with Dow Jones, CBN launched the Dow Jones CBN China 600 Index, which is an authoritative index covering both the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. This further enhances CBN’s reputation and position as a professional business and financial information provider with its comprehensive coverage of the Chinese stock markets.

  n CBN has also started to approach other industries, such as Internet and publication, by sharing resources and benefits. This further strengthens CBN’s position as an authoritative provider among the financial media networks.

  ØCBN radio is one of the most influential broadcasters in China that provides professional business information, in cooperation with over 30 financial radio channels in the country.

  ØCBN TV channel, with its headquarter in Shanghai and two studios in Beijing and Shenzhen, is a unique Chinese business channel targeting business professionals and investors. Several programs are broadcast by SBN of Dragon TV covering the whole of China.

  ØChina Business News is an authoritative and mainstream national business daily, which focuses on China’s economic development and social progress at the background of globalization, reflecting the panorama of the transformation of China’s economy, tracking the trends of world economy and financial investment, providing business news and policy explanation, reporting the latest industrial information and providing in-depth market analysis, publicizing management experience, predicting scientific trends, molding fortune ethics and popularizing business culture.

  ØThe Website was first established in December,2005.The contents cover news, stock markets, futures markets, finance, real estate, lifestyle advice, research data, business books, business blogs, and forums.

  Since the birth of the Website, many millions of people have clicked its pages. Over twenty thousand people listen to the broadcastings or watch the TV programs online.44% of those are from the financial area, government, academe, institutions universities, state-owned enterprises or business groups. Furthermore, over 50% of viewers are “frequent visitors”.

  ØCBN magazine is the premier light-reading periodical for the high-level business world, which was first published in January 2005.

  A stylish presentation shows you the most financial frontier interaction as well as fashionable lifestyle, which is based on the contents of CBN’s TV, radio, newspaper and website.

  The magazine is compulsory reading material that is sent directly to all the CBN members. Circulation is around 20,000 which covers senior decision makers and the users of banking, insurance and bonds facilities, traders in automobiles, media outlets, consultancy firms, real estate companies and luxury goods industry.

  In 2007,CBN TV channel will realize synchronous transmission in Hong Kong through PCCW. Hong Kong’s audiences can watch CBN TV programs on screen.

  CNBC Asia Pacific

  CNBC Asia Pacific is uniquely positioned to speak to viewers from across the region. Headquartered in Singapore, the network provides nine hours of live Asia-produced programming, which is complemented with coverage of live market action from Europe and the US. CNBC Asia Pacific's channels, which include CNBC Asia, CNBC-TV18 (India), CNBC Pakistan, Nikkei-CNBC (Japan) are available in more than 21 countries across the Asia Pacific region. CNBC also has a strategic alliance with Shanghai Media Group, which wholly owns a subsidiary, China Business Network, and a partnership with Digital Chosun, part of the Chosun group of companies, the biggest media conglomerate in South Korea. The channels are distributed via satellite, cable and terrestrial broadcast networks, as well as broadband. CNBC content is also distributed on the 3G platform through selective markets. For more information, please visit us at www.asia.cnbc.com.

  CNBC is 100% owned and managed by NBC Universal, which is the broadcasting unit of GE, the ‘World’s Most Admired’ company in FORTUNE magazine's annual poll of executives (March 2007).

  Presented by:

  Royal Salute

  As the first whisky to be launched in the super-premium sector, Royal Salute 21 year old was specially created in 1953 to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of Britain. It derives its name from an ancient tradition - the Royal Navy fires a 21 gun salute at the ceremony as a show of the highest respect to the head-of-state. The most precious malt and grain whiskies selected from Scotland’s highlands were meticulously blended to produce this sumptuous whisky, which is then filled in selected casks to mature for at least 21 years. The result is Royal Salute’s rich flavor and special smoothness, earning it praise and admiration worldwide.

  Royal Salute is not only full and sumptuous on the inside, but also boasts a luxurious exterior. Its signature porcelain flagons are a tribute to traditional nineteenth-century whisky flagons. Each flagon is emblazoned with the traditional Scottish emblem “A Promise Made in 1801”, quietly yet firmly asserting its illustrious history and exquisite quality. Even more striking are the flagon’s colors of burgundy, blue, and green, chosen to reflect the jewels in the Coronation crown. The flagon is wrapped into an exceptional piece of swan fur, the final touch to Royal Salute’s regal elegance.

  Royal Salute 21 year old represents superior success, unrivalled class and sophistication, and the ultimate in quality and refinement.

  Knowledge Partner

  Chicago Graduate School of Business

  Founded in 1898, the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (GSB) is a Nobel Prize-winning powerhouse. It is recognized globally for producing world-changing ideas and extremely well prepared graduates.

  The GSB is also the first business school to offer a Ph.D. program in Business back in 1920. And it is also the first to offer an Executive MBA program back in 1943.

  The Chicago GSB Asia campus in Singapore, which opened seven years ago, attracts executives throughout Asia and other countries to its Executive MBA program. The part-time Executive MBA program prepares high-potential managers and experienced professionals for positions of greater responsibility. The program includes joint residential sessions in London, Chicago and Singapore with students from all three campuses that are fully owned by the GSB. The Executive MBA program offered in the Asia campus (in Singapore) is exactly the same program offered in the London and Chicago campuses and is taught by the same faculty who teaches in all GSB programs.

  The GSB supports an active network of more than 40,000 alumni around the globe. These graduates lead and succeed in every possible industry including some 5,500 CEOs and top officers of firms worldwide.

  Research Partner


  DDI (Development Dimensions International, Inc.) is a world leading HR consulting firm with headquarter in the US. We excel in two major areas—Designing and implementing SELECTION systems and identifying and DEVELOPING exceptional LEADERSHIP talent. We will help you systematically and creatively close the gap between today’s talent capability and the people you will need to successfully execute tomorrow’s business strategy.

  Since 1970, DDI has identified and developed more than 20 million executives and leaders around the globe. Averagely, 10,000 people are hired or promoted using DDI’s selection systems each day.

  More than 1,200 sales, consulting, and implementation resources work around the world at 78 offices in 26 countries. Our clients count on our ability to provide consistent worldwide applications of our solutions, balanced with an understanding of local cultural and business practices. DDI Asia/Pacific International, Ltd. has started to provide consulting services in China for global accounts since 1996. Today, DDI has established direct operations in Shanghai and Beijing, providing companies with Succession Management and Leadership Pipeline Development Solutions that fit with local marketing strategy to realize the competitive advantage of our clients.

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