美國西東大學Stillman商學院尹尊聲博士http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月07日 19:07 新浪財經
美國西東大學Stillman商學院管理系主任,戰略管理與國際商務全職教授。 Dr. Jason Z. Yin Tenured Full Professor of Strategy Management and International Business and the Chair of Management Department at Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University 研究鄰域為企業政策與發展戰略,技術戰略,世界貿易組織,國際貿易和投資,以及中美經濟關系。他開發的課程包括“與中國做生意”和“處于全球經濟中的中國”。 除了發表眾多的研究論文外,尹博士還撰寫并編著了22本中英文學術書籍,關注方面包括技術轉讓、現代企業經營管理和經濟改革等。他編著的12集《現代商業管理叢書》(由上海人民出版社出版)獲得了中國十佳經濟商業圖書獎。他的有關WTO爭端的論文在兩家最權威學術機構(管理學會和國際商業學會)的評選中獲獎。 尹博士與他人共同創辦了中國經濟學家協會,一個中國經濟學智囊組織和領先的學術機構。他于1997至1998年擔任該協會的主席,現在擔任該協會財政委員會主席。 尹博士積極推動國際交流項目,包括已舉辦15年的美國西東大學國際交流學習計劃—“六月在中國”,該計劃為暑期交流學習項目。他是美國西東大學中國戰略指導委員會(CSSC)成員和委員會招聘小組主任。同時,他成功的創辦并組織了美國西東大學和亞洲各大學的“2+2”和“4+1”本科與研究生交流項目。 除了眾多的學術研究外,尹博士還積極參與到非學術領域。他是美中關系委員會成員,作為領先的無黨派智囊機構,該委員會致力于推進和改善中美關系。他積極參與組織聯合國培訓研究院(UNITAR)有關全球經濟和商業、外商直接投資和區域發展的研討會,并發表演講。他經常受邀參加美國之音(VOA)、英國廣播公司(BBC)和中國媒體的采訪,并對各種政治和經濟事件發表評論。同時,他也為中國政府機構和跨國公司(特別是在中國的跨國公司)提供咨詢服務。 尹博士在清華大學獲得機械工程學士學位,在美國紐約大學獲得了MBA、碩士和博士學位。 Dr. Yin’s teaching and research interests are in the areas of corporate policy and strategy, technology strategy, WTO, international trade and investment, and Sino-U.S. economic relations. The courses he has developed include “Doing Business with China” and “China in the Global Economy”. In addition to his extensive research paper publications, Dr. Yin has written and edited 22 academic books in both English and Chinese on technology transfer, modern business management, and economic reform, etc. The 12-volume book series he edited, Modern Business Management (published by Shanghai People’s Press), won the National Award of Best Ten Books on Economics and Business in China. His papers on WTO trade disputes won awards from two of the most prestigious academic organizations, Academy of Management and Academy of International Business. Dr. Yin was the founding member of the Chinese Economists Society, a think tank and leading academic institution on Chinese economics. He served as its president for 1997-98 and is currently serving as the chair for its Finance Committee. Dr. Yin actively promotes international exchange programs, including the flagship international study program at Seton Hall University ---“the June-in-China”--- the learning by traveling summer program for the last 15 years. He is a member of Seton Hall’s University China Strategy Steering Committee (CSSC) and the Director of the CSSC Recruitment Subcommittee. He also successfully initiated and organized the “2+2”and “4+1” undergraduate and graduate student exchange programs between Seton Hall and Asian universities. In addition to his academic activities, Dr. Yin is active in and well connected to the non-academic communities. He is a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, a leading non-partisan thinktank in the United States devoted to the promotion and development of the relationships between the U.S. and China. He actively participates in organizing and lecturing at the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) workshops on International Economics and Trade, FDI, and regional development. Dr. Yin is frequently invited by VOA, BBC, and the Chinese media to comment on various political and economic issues. He also provides consulting services to the Chinese government agencies and the multinational corporations-- the MNCs in China particularly. Dr. Yin received his MBA, MPhil and PhD. degrees from New York University, U.S.A. and BS of Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.