羅馬大學經濟學教授萊昂納多•貝凱蒂http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月07日 19:06 新浪財經
Leonardo Becchetti Professor of Economics at the University of Rome 萊昂納多•貝凱蒂教授出生于1965年7月31日,現任羅馬大學經濟學全職教授。他在博士生項目中教授小額信貸與發展經濟學,在同事的本科項目中教授經濟學原理。同時他還在其他幾所大學中開設了微觀金融與公平貿易課程,并擔任了多個歐盟與國際的研究項目的協調人。 他至今發表了230余部作品,其中包括11本專著,42篇發表在國際刊物上的評論(例如《銀行與金融期刊》、《國際貨幣與金融期刊》、《經濟行為與組織雜志》、《商業倫理期刊》、《應用金融經濟學》、《創新與新技術經濟學》、《中小商業經濟學》、《應用金融經濟學》、《工業組織國際期刊》、《工業組織評論》),以及38篇在意大利期刊上發表的文章,54章節的書籍和許多工作論文。 Leonardo Becchetti was born on the 31st July 1965. He is a Full Professor of Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Professor Becchetti is the President of the Ethical Committee of Banca Popolare Etica. He teaches Finance and Development Economics in the Ph.D. Program and Economics Principles in the undergraduate program of his Faculty. He also teaches courses of microfinance and fair trade in several other universities. He is (or has been in the past) coordinator of several research programs at national EU and international level. Professor Becchetti is author of about 230 works, which include 11 edited books, 42 publications on international journals (among them Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Business Ethics, Applied Financial Economics, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Small Business Economics, Applied Financial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Review of Industrial Organization), 38 publications on Italian journals, 54 chapters of books and several working papers.