新浪財經 > 會議講座 > 第二屆文博會投融資論壇 > 正文
常駐在中國的江善頌先生在華登國際專注于在中國的投資業務和運營。江先生在華登國際擁有十二年的跨境創投經驗, 曾在美國、臺灣和中國大陸等不同地區工作。江先生在互聯網、電子、半導體和通信等行業的投資卓有成效,對投資于創立初期的高技術公司有著非常豐富的經驗。江先生在美國加州州立大學獲得電子工程學士學位,在南加州大學獲得MBA學位。
由江先生參與負責的在華投資項目包括:中國網絡游戲服務網(5173.com)、滾石移動、青牛軟件、智芯科技、安凱、捷頂半導體等、廣典傳媒、億瑪、車盟、無線新空、沈陽三生制藥(NASDAQ: SSRX) 、高意科技等。
Mr. Brian Chiang
Managing Director, Walden International
Based in China, Mr. Brian Chiang now focuses on Walden International’s investment and operations in China. With over 12 years extensive cross border VC experience in Walden International, Mr. Chiang has successfully invested in internet, electronics, semiconductor and telecommunications. Mr. Chiang has extensive experience in funding technology start up. He received a BSCC in Electrical Engineering from the California State University, Los Angeles and an MBA from the University of Southern California.
Mr. Chiang has been in charge of the following investment projects in China: iMax (5173.com), Rock Mobile, Channelsoft, IPCore, Anyka, Accel, CDIM, Emar, China AA, 3G Information, 3SBio (NASDAQ: SSRX), Photop and etc.