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2005 SH Forum陳健發(fā)言

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月11日 10:44 新浪財經(jīng)


Globalization, the United Nations and China

Chen, Jian

  Under Secretary-General for the General Assembly and Conference Management,

  United Nations

  Distinguished guests,

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  It is an honour for me to participate in the first Shanghai Forum. It is all the more so as it is sponsored by Fudan University, my alma mater, on the occasion of its centenary. Let me begin by conveying to you the congratulations of Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the successful convening of this important event and his best wishes to Fudan University.

  As a world-renowned multi-disciplinary educational institution located in one of the most developed regions of China, it is most fitting and proper for Fudan University to commemorate its centenary through a Forum that is both academic and action-oriented. Through such interaction among the educational, political and commercial circles, Fudan University will be in a strong position to contribute not just to Shanghai’s strategic goal of becoming an “international economic, financial, trade and shipping center”, but also to the economic and social development of China and beyond. It is against this background that the choice of “globalization” as the theme of this Forum assumes high relevance and importance.

  Globalization as a phenomenon has been in existence for years. It has constantly grown in width, depth and intensity, and has become one of the most important contributing factors of the dynamics of the world economy. Today it is so multi-faceted that it significantly reshapes not only the constellation of international economic activities, such as trade and financing, but also many other dimensions of our world, such as geopolitics, culture and environment. Globalization is, however, conspicuously unbalanced, as countries and peoples are not participating in this process on an equal footing, with many poorest nations becoming increasingly marginalized, rather than integrated. The latest report of the United Nations Millennium Project illustrates this lopsided globalization by pointing out that while a number of Asian economies, including China and India, have been able to take advantage of globalization to achieve substantial economic development, many developing countries remained entrapped in abject poverty. Furthermore, the large macroeconomic imbalances in the world economy, most notably a prodigious chronic external deficit of the United States, means that the lion’s share of global savings goes towards financing the excessive consumption of the most affluent country in the world, rather than the development of poor countries.

  There is therefore greater need for global coordination and cooperation. In this regard, reforms of the United Nations as well as the international monetary system, financial architecture and trading system should all be aimed at improving global governance so as to guide globalization towards the paramount goals of peace, security, and prosperity for the whole world.

  Over the past two decades or so, China has participated actively in and benefited substantially from globalization, by choice and not by chance, and its stellar performance in economic development has been exemplary for the world. The key to its success is its readiness to face various challenges by progressively reforming its institutions and opening its economy to international competition. The benefits China has brought to the global economy, such as low prices of manufactured products and strong demand for foreign goods and services are enormous. Its impact on the world economy has never been so keenly felt. That has proved to be a remarkable boost to the image and standing of China abroad. For all of the Chinese living abroad, that also translates into a source of tremendous pride.

  As a result of its rapid economic growth, the world expects China to play a greater role as a responsible member of the international community and a principal actor in global governance. China is certainly qualified and ready to play that role. As the United Nations approaches its sixtieth anniversary, the Secretary-General has put forward a package of comprehensive reform measures aimed at achieving peace and prosperity for all. That reform package is been examined carefully by all Member States of the United Nations. It is hoped that by the time their Heads of State and Government gather at the United Nations headquarters this fall, they will be able to produce a milestone agreement on major issues facing humanity in the globalized world to meet the challenges of the 21st century. China has expressed its support in principle and is actively involved in the formulation of new strategies that have far-reaching significance.

  In conclusion, globalization is not good or bad. It can be either, and it can be both. It is all in our hands, individually and collectively. If the Shanghai Forum can focus not just on how Shanghai, China and Asia can benefit from globalization but also how they can contribute to making globalization beneficial to the whole world, then the Forum will have a distinctive role to play on the important issue of globalization and make a real impact.

  I wish the Forum a complete success.

  Thank you.

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