上海論壇-2005回顧(english)http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月11日 10:33 新浪財經
由復旦大學主辦的“上海論壇2007”將于2007年5月25日至27日在復旦大學舉行。此次論壇擬邀請世界各國著名學者、政要及商界精英300人與會。在“經濟全球化與亞洲的選擇”的主題下,上海論壇2007以“關注亞洲、聚焦熱點、薈萃精英、推進互動、增強合作、謀求共識”為宗旨,努力構建“學界、政界、商界”三方互動的交流平臺,對當今全球經濟和國際局勢所面臨的重大問題展開廣泛、多維和深入的研討。以下為上海論壇-2005回顧。 BRIEF INTRODUCTION Fudan University was honored to hold the Shanghai Forum 2005 in the duration of May 16-17 in Shanghai Exhibition Center. It attracted 298 distinguished guests from 30 countries and regions to attend, including internationally renowned scholars, government officials, and representatives from multinational corporations and influential international organizations. Under the general theme of “Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia”, the Forum focused on dialogue and exchange in the Energy, Information Technology and Finance sectors. The discussions were centered on present and future issues in these sectors in the hopes of achieving breakthroughs, promoting channels of cooperation, adding a collection of consulting strategy formulas to the relevant industries as well as promoting researches in the relevant fields. VIP LIST (Alphabetical Order) Jian Chen Under-Secretary General, United Nations Tianqiao Chen Chairman and CEO, Shanda Corporation Yuan Chen President, China Development Bank Vincent H. C. Cheng JP Chairman, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Tae-Won Chey Chairman, SK Corporation Seok Young Choi Executive Director, 2005 APEC Secretariat Un-Chan Chung Former President, Seoul National University Ghanshyam Dass Managing Director, Asia Pacific of NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. Zheng Han Mayor, Shanghai, PRC Hillard Huntington Executive Director, Energy Modeling Forum Jae-Youl Kim Secretary General, Korea Foundation for Advanecd Studies Kuan Yew Lee Singaporean Minister Mentor Mingkang Liu Chairman, Banking Regulatory Commission of China Yongtu Long Secretary General, Bo’ao Forum Dean, Institute of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University Etsuhiko Shoyama President and CEO, Hitachi Ltd. Katsuhiko Suetsugu Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Energy Forum Dengjie Tang Deputy Mayor, Shanghai, PRC Jan Uddenfeldt Senior Vice President, Ericsson Group Jiarui Wang Minister, the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC Qidi Wu Deputy Minister, Minister of Education, PRC Shengwu Xie President, Shanghai Jiaotong University Kuangdi Xu Dean, Chinese Academy of Engineering Shengman Zhang Vice Chairman, Global Banking, Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking Dadi Zhou Superintendent, Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission, PRC Fields of Discussion 1. Developments in Energy Trends in Global Energy Supply and Demand and Each Country’s Energy Strategy Energy Security and Cooperation New and Renewable Energy Resources 2. The Future of Information Technology Trends in Information Technology Development and Each Country’s Industry Development Strategy Security in Information Technology Global Challenges of the “Digital Divide” 3. Cooperation in Finance Each Country’s Capital Investment Strategy Currency Cooperation and Integration Finance Security and Finance System Reform
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