羅蘭貝格咨詢公司中國區總裁常博逸http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月27日 19:17 新浪財經
3月7日,羅蘭貝格與《環球企業家》雜志聯合舉行“羅蘭貝格2007新思路暨‘最具全球競爭力中國公司’評選新聞發布會。 常博逸先生 羅蘭•貝格國際管理咨詢公司大中華區總裁兼執行合伙人 負責羅蘭•貝格國際管理咨詢公司大中華區的經營運作,具有十五年以上的咨詢和行業經驗。在擔任羅蘭•貝格國際管理咨詢公司大中華區總裁兼執行合伙人之前,常博逸先生曾在法國興業銀行從事收購兼并工作,在博思艾倫咨詢公司擔任經理和在科爾尼咨詢公司擔任負責戰略規劃的副總裁,在法國羅蘭貝格擔任資深合伙人。 領域:金融服務、能源及公用事業,收購兼并、組織架構和變革管理 常博逸先生生于法國。擁有法律學士、工程碩士和哈佛商學院工商管理碩士學位。 Mr. Charles-Edouard Bouée is President & Managing Partner of Roland Strategy Consultants Greater China, who is responsible of operations of Roland Berger in Greater China region. Mr. Charles-Edouard Bouée has more than 15-years work experience in consulting and industry companies. Prior to the current position, he has worked for Societe Generale in M & A function. He then worked for Booz Allen & Hamilton as Manager, AT Kearney as Vice President responsible of strategy practice, and Senior Partner in Roland Berger Strategy Consultants France. Competence: Financial Service, Utility & Energy, Merger & Acquisitions, Organization and Transformation Programs. Mr. Charles- Edouard Bouée was born in France and holds Law and MS Engineering Degree, and MBA Degree from Harvard Business School.
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