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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年11月08日 18:41 新浪財經



  1975 年出生于 中國 北京,2002 年畢業于 美國耶魯大學, 現居住于中國 北京。


  1975年出生于北京,畢業于美國耶魯大學(Yale University),獲建筑學碩士和Samuel J. Fogelson優秀設計畢業生獎。曾獲得2006年度紐約建筑聯盟青年建筑師獎和2001年美國建筑師學會(AIA)建筑研究獎金。曾經在倫敦的扎哈.哈迪德事務所和紐約埃森曼事務所工作,2004年回國成立北京MAD建筑事務所并任教于中央美術學院。作品包括曾在2002年引起國內外建筑界廣泛關注和討論的“浮游之島”--重建紐約世界貿易中心方案,作品被中國國家美術館館藏;及最近在加拿大多倫多ABSOLUTE超高層國際競賽中中標的“夢露大廈”設計(2009年建成),成為歷史上首位在國外贏得重大標志性建筑項目的中國建筑師。其他作品還包括,上海現代藝術公園(S-MAP) 概念設計競賽一等獎作品,廣州生物島太陽系廣場國際競賽一等獎中標作品(2008年建成),“Net+Bar”概念設計競賽一等獎作品。藝術裝置作品“魚缸”,“墨冰”曾分別在中國國家美術館和中華世紀壇展出。今年九月,馬巖松將作為最年輕的中國建筑師參展第十屆威尼斯國際建筑雙年展。

  Name: Yansong Ma

  Born in Beijing, China in 1975; graduated from Yale University in 2002; living in Beijing, China currently.

  Yansong Ma, founder and director of MAD office, Beijing, China, graduated from Yale University School of Architecture in 2002 with a Master's degree in Architecture and the Samuel J. Fogelson Memorial Award of Design Excellence. He is the winner of Architecture League New York, Young Architect Award year 2006. He worked with Zaha Hadid Architects and Eisenman Architects as project designer. He also taught at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Ma obtained AIA scholarship for Advanced Architecture Research in 2001 and his works have won numerous international design competitions, including the Absolute Tower in Toronto Canada, and Solar Plaza in Guangzhou, China. His work, WTC Rebuilt--Floating Island in NYC, Fish Tank were exhibited in Beijing Architectural Biennale and collected by the National Art Museum of China in 2004. His art installation “Ink Ice” was featured in Chinese Calligraphy Art exhibition in 2005. On July 15, 2006, “MAD Under Construction” Exhibition was held at Tokyo Gallery in 798 area, Beijing, China, which is the first individual exhibition MAD has held in Beijing. Moreover, MAD is going to attend the 10th Venice Architecture Biennial in September 2006.

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