經濟觀察報社社長何力http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月18日 15:33 新浪財經
何力 經濟觀察報社社長 1984年大學畢業(yè)后在北京任教4年;1989年進入傳媒界,曾任《中華工商時報》記者、新聞部主任、助理總編輯等職;2000年末開始創(chuàng)辦《經濟觀察報》任總編輯,現(xiàn)為《經濟觀察報》社社長。何先生還曾任北京電視臺、中央電視臺多個經濟欄目的策劃和主持人,在《中華工商時報》任職期間參與組織或報道過十幾年來中國經濟改革進程中許多重大事件,著有關于中國經濟問題的專著。 He Li, Chairman of “The Economic Observer” Mr. He, who once presented himself as a lecturer in Beijing after his college graduation in 1984, worked for “China Business Times” as journalist, director of News Department and Assistant Chief Editor from entering the media industry in 1989. As well as he fulfilled particular academic monographs around China economic issues, Mr. He reported lots of historical events about the reform of China Economy, even participated and organized some of them actively during its past 10 years evolution. Mr. He also designed and operated several financial repertoires as presider meanwhile when working for BTV (Beijing TV Station) and CCTV (China Central TV Station). In late 2000, Mr. He had “The Economic Observer” newspaper office founded as its chief editor. He now is the chairman of this domestic reputable financial newspaper office.
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