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CBOT Corn Review: Ends Firm On Borrowed Soy Strength

http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年02月16日 05:52 文華財經

  CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--Chicago Board of Trade corn futures ended firm

  Wednesday, finishing at session highs as well as a new high for the week on

  speculative and local buying amid spillover momentum from a late surge of

  soybean futures.


   CBOT March corn finished 3 1/4 cents higher at $2.22, and May ended 3 1/4

  cents higher at $2.32 1/4 per bushel.


   The influence of the soybean market was a directive force in the market, with

  that market's ability to stage a reversal from double-digit losses to nearly

  seven-cent gains at one point sent bullish wave filtering across the trading

  floor, said a CBOT commission house broker.


   Corn hovered within narrow trading ranges for most of the day, struggling to

  find direction amid the absence of fresh fundamental news. Futures initially

  came under pressure from a lack of fund-related buying that underpinned prices

  previously coupled with abundant free stocks that are keeping upside momentum

  in check, traders said.


   Otherwise, the liquidation of March positions ahead of first notice day and

  spread rolling were featured attractions. This continued, until the market

  managed to push firmlyotnipositive territory on borrowed momentum from

  soybean futures' ability to bounce back from earlier lows. Speculative-led

  buying served as the catalyst for the recovery in otherwise subdued price



   Meanwhile, the DTN Meteorlogix forecast said mainly dry weather with hot

  temperatures in the 90s Fahrenheit will extend through the middle of next week

  in Argentina. Argentina is already hot, with temperatures on Tuesday reaching

  100 degrees Fahrenheit in the southern sector of Buenos Aires province. This

  entire region will see increasing crop stress due to the dry and very warm to

  hot pattern through the middle of next week.


   On tap for Thursday, U.S. Department of Agriculture is scheduled to release

  its weekly export sales report for the week ended Feb. 9. Analysts surveyed by

  Dow Jones anticipate commitments in a range of 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 metric



   In pit trades, Citigroup, Goldenberg Hehmeyer, Man Financial and Tenco were

  featured buyers, with JP Morgan, Man Financial, Tenco and ABN Amro key sellers.


   Ethanol futures ended lower, with the March future settling 7 cents lower at

  $2.58 per gallon.


   Oat futures ended higher across the board, bouncing from earlier lows in

  unison with the rest of the grain complex at CBOT. CBOT March oat futures

  settled 3 cents higher at $1.92 and May oats ended 3 1/4 cents higher at $1.91

  3/4 per bushel.


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