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http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年06月24日 22:13 新浪財經










  (Beijing Banker Investing Consultant Co., Ltd.)

  ——The leading platform on Chinese Pension Finance

  The Must Have for Chinese pension researcher & marketer

  Serving for the global biggest pension market of 1.3 billion people

  Serving for the most important financial opportunity in 21st. century

  Our Background

  With the economic soaring and the most rapid growth, China has the world's biggest population of 1.3 billion, the most serious problems of social security, therefore the greatest opportunities for discoverers in the realm.

  China's revolution in occupational pensions fund has begun. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security of China recently published “Regulation for Occupational Pensions Fund”. Experts of the World Bank once expected that in the year 2010, China's pension fund will possess about 1 trillion dollars and become the world's third largest in the occupational pensions fund market.

  A great many of scholars and actors are devoting to Chinese pension. Meanwhile, the global Top-500 corporations have all invested in China. Among them, those global famous financial Giants such as Citibank, AIG, JP Morgen, Merrill Lynch, Allianz, Lloyd's, New York Life, Standard Life, Generaliz. etc. are investing Chinese pension fund market.

  Our Company

  Banker is a leading service provider and investment consultancy who specializes in Chinese pension fund.

  2000, we successfully undertook “International Symposium On The Supervision & Control of Social Pension Insurance Fund” on our own, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of China and Schroders of UK. It attracted more than 200 famous professors from the USA and UK.

  2001, we again undertook “The Workshop on Occupational Pension in China” sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of China.

  2002-2003, we edited and published the first series concerning the operation and custody of Chinese occupational pensions.

  2004, we took part in the research of China's first set of occupational pensions regulation.

  We set up China's first investment consultant cooperation serving in the pensions field.

  We created China's first pension website www.cnpension.net, targeting nationwide and worldwide pensions market. It has been the leading platform on Chinese pension fund.

  We devote ourselves to providing the most professional and pertinent services for Chinese pension fund.

  These are our value and we hope that they will also add to your value!



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