CCER經濟理論和政策研討系列講座之巴羅教授 | ||||||||
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| 2005年05月20日 16:11 CCER | ||||||||
主 題:“資產溢價” 講 演 人 羅伯特·巴羅(Robert J. Barro)
宏觀經濟學代表人物、哈佛大學教授 時間:2005年5月26日(周四)下午19:00-21:00 地點:北京大學中國經濟研究中心萬眾樓二樓 工作語言:英文 如果您對這個講座感興趣,請發郵件至,以便提前安排。 北京大學中國經濟研究中心每年都舉辦很多講座和研討會,邀請著名學者、國際政要、成功企業家等來中心講演和探討。北京大學中國經濟研究中心希望和大家一起來分享這些學術研究前沿、財經政策分析以及成功人士的人生歷煉,誠邀感興趣的各界人士參加(注:若無特殊情況,中國經濟研究中心所舉辦的講座和研討會都是免費面向大家)。 如果您對中國經濟研究中心所舉辦的一系列講座和研討會感興趣,并希望得到這些講座和研討會的信息,您可以發郵件至 ,郵件請注明您的姓名、單位、職務、郵箱地址,并以“加入CCER講座郵件列表”為題。我們將把講座和研討會的信息直接發送到您的郵箱。感謝您的關注! 羅伯特·巴羅教授簡介 羅伯特·巴羅(RobertJ.Barro) 1944年生于美國紐約,1965年獲加州理工學院物理學學士學位,1970年獲哈佛大學經濟學博士學位,是新古典宏觀經濟學的代表人物,也是最具影響力的經濟學家之一。 巴羅教授在理論和實證研究方面都表現出非凡的才華,產生了大量的研究成果,其貢獻是開創性的。自1970年代以來,巴羅的研究成果深刻影響了宏觀經濟學的諸多領域。巴羅不僅在理論上卓有建樹,其通俗文章亦魅力超凡,他被聘為美國《華爾街日報》特約撰稿人和《商業周刊》專欄作家。 巴羅教授曾任教于布朗大學、芝加哥大學、羅徹斯特大學,自1986年起,任教于哈佛大學,目前是該校沃伯格經濟學講座教授,同時也是斯坦福大學胡佛研究所高級研究員。 由于他在宏觀經濟學、經濟增長、貨幣理論與政策等領域所做出的卓越貢獻,巴洛被推選為美國藝術與科學學院院士(1988年)、美國國會預算局學術顧問委員會委員(1996年)、美國經濟學會副主席(1998年)。 CCER Seminar Series Equity Premium Speaker: Robert J. Barro (Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University) Time::May 26th, 2005 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Venue: Wanzhonglou Auditorium, CCER Working Language: English Biography of Robert J. Barro Robert J. Barro is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Barro's expertise is in the areas of macroeconomics, economic growth, and monetary theory. He is currently researching the interplay between religion and political economy. He has written extensively on macroeconomics, especially on economic growth, public debt, and monetary policy. His books include Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study (MIT Press, 1997), Macroeconomics (MIT Press, 1997), Getting It Right: Markets and Choices in a Free Society (MIT Press, 1996) and, as coauthor, Economic Growth (McGraw Hill, 1995). His new book, Nothing Is Sacred: Economic Ideas for the New Millennium, is forthcoming from MIT Press. Barro is a viewpoint columnist for Business Week and a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal. He is also associate editor of the Journal of Monetary Economics as well as the Journal of Economic Growth. He is President of the Western Economic Association, was recently vice president of the American Economic Association, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Econometric Society. In 1996, Barro was appointed a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Congressional Budget Office. He has been a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research since 1978. He is also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. Before his appointments at Harvard University and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Barro was a professor of economics at the University of Chicago and a professor of economics at the University of Rochester. Barro received a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. | ||||||||