失業政策:歐洲的經驗和教訓(講座) | |||||||||
http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年04月18日 12:28 CCER | |||||||||
演講人:Lord Layard of Highgate(英國上議院議員、倫敦經濟學院教授) 主持人:林毅夫(北京大學中國經濟研究中心主任) 時間:2005年4月20日(周三)上午10: 45-12:15
地點:北京大學中國經濟研究中心致福軒 工作語言:英文 北京大學中國經濟研究中心/北大國際MBA每年都舉辦很多講座和研討會,邀請著名學者、國際政要、成功企業家等來中心講演和探討。北京大學中國經濟研究中心希望和大家一起來分享這些學術研究前沿、財經政策分析以及成功人士的人生歷煉,誠邀感興趣的各界人士參加(注:若無特殊情況,中國經濟研究中心所舉辦的講座和研討會都是免費面向大家)。 如果您對中國經濟研究中心所舉辦的一系列講座和研討會感興趣,并希望得到這些講座和研討會的信息,您可以發郵件至seminar@ccer.edu.cn ,郵件請注明您的姓名、單位、職務、郵箱地址,并以“加入CCER講座郵件列表”為題。我們將把講座和研討會的信息直接發送到您的郵箱。感謝您的關注! 萊亞德議員(Lord Layard of Highgate)簡介: 英國國會上議院議員(2000年至今),上議院負責經濟、金融、貿易和對外關系的委員會委員。英國倫敦經濟學院(LSE)經濟系榮譽退休教授,倫敦經濟學院經濟績效研究中心(CEP)的創始人,并曾擔任該中心主任13年,目前仍擔任該中心福利項目主任,該中心涵蓋了各個經濟領域的研究。 Layard議員的主要研究領域是勞動力市場、失業政策、教育政策、福利政策等。他發表了大量關于失業、通過膨脹、教育、公平以及社會主義國家改革方面的文章。他于1985年建立了就業協會以促使政府采取防止長期失業的行動,并于1987年至1992年擔任該協會主席。1997年至2001年擔任英國工黨政府的顧問,幫助實施了很多就業政策。1991年至1997年曾擔任俄羅斯政府經濟顧問。 cep.lse.ac.uk/layard/ Unemployment policy: lessons from European experiences Speaker: Professor Lord Layard Member of the House of Lords, Emeritus Professor of Economics, L.S.E. Host: Professor Justin Yifu Lin Director of the China Center for Economic Research at PKU Time: April 20, 2005 10:45am - 12:15am Venue: Zhi Fu Xuan, CCER Working Language: English Biography of Professor Lord Layard (Peter Richard Grenville Layard) Richard Layard was founder-director of the LSE Centre for Economic Perfomance, a large research centre covering most areas of economic policy. Since 2000 he has been a member of the House of Lords. He has written widely on unemployment, inflation, education, inequality and post-Communist reform. He was an early advocate of the welfare-to-work approach to unemployment, and co-authored the influential book Unemployment: Macroeconomic Performance and the Labour Market (OUP 1991). From 1997-2001 he helped implement these policies as a consultant to the Labour government. He was also involved in the educational policy development of post-16 year olds. Current research interests His current focus is on happiness, aiming to achieve a unified understanding of the insights of economics, psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. He is writing a book, developing out of his recent Robbins Lectures on the subject. He also has strong interests in unemployment and educational policy. Further information: He founded the Employment Institute in 1985 to press for action to prevent long-term unemployment and was its Chairman from 1987-92. After Labour came to power, he was from 1997-2001 a government consultant on policies towards unemployment (including the New Deal) and towards skills. He was Chairman of the European Commission's Macroeconomic Policy He has been on the staff of LSE since 1964. Before that he taught in a comprehensive school and was the Senior Research Officer for the Robbins Committee on Higher Education.