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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年03月15日 17:50 新浪財經




  本系列第八講將于3月18日(周五)下午2:00在北京大學中國經濟研究中心萬眾樓二樓舉行,2001年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、美國哥倫比亞大學經濟學教授約瑟夫.斯蒂格利茲(Joseph E. Stiglitz)將作題為“21世紀的中國與全球化的世界經濟”的演講。












  Nobel Laureate Lecture 8—10th Anniversary Celebration Of the CCER

  To celebrate the 10th anniversary of CCER and further promote the development in China’s economy, we are honored to hold On The Shoulders Of Giants—A Series Of Nobel Laureate Lectures For 10th Anniversary Celebration Of CCER. From this spring to the autumn next year, we will invite 10 Nobel Laureates to present lectures.

  Lecture 8 will hold at Wanzhong Building, CCER on 2:00PM, March 18. Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2001 Economics Nobel Laureate, will deliver his lecture on China and Globalization Global Economy in the Twenty-first Century.

  Time::March 18th, 2005 2:00p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  Venue: Wanzhonglou Auditorium, CCER

  Working Language: English

  Biography of Joseph E. Stiglitz

  Joseph E. Stiglitz was born in Gary, Indiana in 1943. A graduate of Amherst College, he received his PHD from MIT in 1967, became a full professor at Yale in 1970, and in 1979 was awarded the John Bates Clark Award, given biennially by the American Economic Association to the economist under 40 who has made the most significant contribution to the field. He has taught at Princeton, Stanford, MIT and was the Drummond Professor and a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. He is now University Professor at Columbia University in New York. In 2001, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics.

  He was a member of the Council of Economic Advisors from 1993-95, during the Clinton administration, and served as CEA chairman from 1995-97. He then became Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank from 1997-2000.

  Stiglitz helped create a new branch of economics, "The Economics of Information," exploring the consequences of information asymmetries and pioneering such pivotal concepts as adverse selection and moral hazard, which have now become standard tools not only of theorists, but of policy analysts. He has made major contributions to macro-economics and monetary theory, to development economics and trade theory, to public and corporate finance, to the theories of industrial organization and rural organization, and to the theories of welfare economics and of income and wealth distribution. In the 1980s, he helped revive interest in the economics of R&D.

  His work has helped explain the circumstances in which markets do not work well, and how selective government intervention can improve their performance.

  Recognized around the world as a leading economic educator, he has written textbooks that have been translatedotnimore than a dozen languages. He founded one of the leading economics journals, The Journal of Economic Perspectives. He has recently come out with a new book, The Roaring Nineties (W.W. Norton). His book Globalization and Its Discontents (W.W. Norton June 2001) has been translatedotni28 languages and is an international bestseller

  Source: www2.gsb.columbia.edu/faculty/jstiglitz/index.cfm


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