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新浪首頁 > 財經縱橫 > 財富人物職場 > 中國人文社會科學論壇2004 > 正文

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年05月20日 20:04 新浪財經



  黃孟復(Huang Mengfu)


  Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

全國偶像歌手大賽 第39屆世界廣告大會
繽紛彩音風暴免費聽 激情新勢力性感新銳動

  Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce


  Mr. Huang Mengfu was born in Shanghai in Nov. 1944. He enteredotniBeijing Steel Institute in Sep. 1962 studying in the Department of Metallurgy. After graduation, he worked from a most ordinary furnace man and assumed section chief, technician, engineer, vice factory director and senior engineer successively in Nanjing Steel Factory. In 1992, he assumed Vice Mayor of Nanjing city, Jiangsu province with responsibility for industry, communication and science and technology, Vice director and Director of Jiangsu Province Committee of China Democratic Construction Association. In 1998, Mr. Huang was selected as Vice Chairman of China Democratic Construction Association, Vice Director of the 9th Central Committee of Jiangsu Province Democratic Construction Association. In 2001 and 2002, he was selected successively as Vice Chairman and Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. In 2003, he was also selected as Vice Chairman of the 10th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. During the years he switch his position from a government leader taking charge of State-owned Enterprises to a leader of China’s Private Enterprises, he did a large number of research and impellent work hardly and carefully on the development of China’s Non-public Sectors of the economy, devoting himself to the promotion and conformity of the China private enterprises’ basic quality. He has played an important leading role to the sound development of China’s private economy. Mr. Huang’s grandfather is Huang Yanpei, the famous democratic and patriotic person, leader of Democratic Construction Association and educationist of China.

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