中國建設銀行97億港元收購美國銀行(亞洲)謀求海外業務發展 | |||||||||
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| 2006年08月24日 18:46 建行總行 | |||||||||
2006年8月24日,中國建設銀行股份有限公司(0939.HK)在香港與美國銀行簽署協議,由建設銀行收購美國銀行在香港的全資子公司美國銀行(亞洲)股份有限公司100%的股權。 據悉,本次收購總價為97.1億港元,相當于美國銀行(亞洲)2005年底賬面凈資產73.8億港元的約1.32倍,支付方式為現金。收購協議的最終生效尚待境內外監管機構以及建
自2005年美國銀行成為建行的戰略投資者以來,兩家銀行建立了致力于長期共同發展的戰略合作伙伴關系,并已在個人銀行、風險管理、IT、公司治理等多個領域進行了密切合作。 “美國銀行(亞洲)是香港市場上一家典型的中小型零售銀行,主要經營個人和中小企業業務,管理團隊富有經驗,財務表現良好,與建設銀行現有香港業務重合度低,對我們來說是一個非常合適的選擇。”建行新任行長張建國對未來的業務前景充滿期望, “相信在不久的將來,建行在港業務能夠形成以零售銀行、批發銀行、投資銀行和保險等業務為支柱的綜合金融服務體系,努力為境內外客戶提供更加全面、優質、高效的金融服務。” 通過收購美國銀行(亞洲),建行在香港的業務規模迅速擴大為原來的兩倍,客戶貸款從原來的第十六位飆升至第九位。作為直接負責此次并購的建行高層,副行長范一飛顯然對投資者最關心的并購后的協同效應成竹在胸,“此次并購可立即對建行的每股盈利帶來增溢。今后,建設銀行將以目前的美國銀行(亞洲)為基礎,對在港零售業務進行優化整合。長期來看,美銀亞洲已有的零售業務平臺可以向建行現有的高端客戶提供全方位的個人理財及結算業務;美國銀行(亞洲)的中小企業客戶亦可借助建行銀行的平臺獲得更為全面的服務,在諸多方面為香港和內地的業務聯動帶來收入協同效應。” 建行新聞發言人表示:“這是一筆雙方均十分滿意的交易:對建設銀行來說,通過本次交易,可以迅速提高我們為內地及港澳客戶服務的能力,符合我們海外業務整體發展戰略,亦能大幅提升建設銀行在香港的市場份額。對美國銀行來說,也是調整其全球及亞太戰略的重要步驟。不過,海內外客戶是此次交易的最大贏家,因為他們是建行服務能力提升的真正受益者。” 近年來,建行經營效益穩步提高,國際業務發展勢頭良好,各項外匯業務持續快速增長。在建行的海外業務發展戰略中,更將在港業務作為帶動全行海外業務經營和發展的突破口。同時,建設銀行積極順應銀行業發展零售業務的國際潮流,將零售業務作為全行新的戰略增長點。因此,此次收購被普遍視為建行全面推進海外業務和零售業務發展的積極信號。 背景:美國銀行(亞洲)是香港注冊的24家持牌銀行之一,在香港設有分行14家,澳門設有分行3家。其個人銀行業務收入占比約為65%,是香港市場上一家典型的中小型零售銀行。截至2005年底總資產為490.7億港元,凈資產為73.8億港元。在香港當地注冊的銀行中總資產所占份額約為0.7%,總貸款所占份額約為1.3%。從以往業績看,美國銀行(亞洲)的特點是經營穩健、業務流程成熟、管理團隊經驗豐富、員工團隊素質較高,績效平穩,資產質量良好。 中國建設銀行是中國內地銀行業改革發展的先行者,2004年建設銀行在內地四大國有商業銀行中首批完成了股份制改造,2005年引入了美國銀行與淡馬錫作為戰略投資者,并在香港聯交所成功上市。重組上市后建行在企業管治建設、內部組織機構設置、完善風險管理體制、管理和業務流程再造、產品和服務開發等方面,進行了一系列卓有成效的改革和創新,已經成為當今內地最具綜合競爭能力、市場營銷能力、風險控制能力、客戶服務能力和盈利能力的銀行。建行的改革業績亦得到了國內外的廣泛認可,2005年建設銀行榮獲《銀行家》雜志“中國年度最佳銀行獎”。在《亞洲周刊》2006年7月公布的亞洲銀行300強排名中,建設銀行在“利息收入凈值最高的銀行”和“純利最高的銀行”兩項排名中均列第一位,被譽為“亞洲最賺錢的銀行”。 China Construction Bank Acquires Bank of America (Asia) for HK$9.7 Billion To Expand Overseas Business August 24, 2006 (Hong Kong) -- China Construction Bank (CCB) (SEHK Code: 0939) has entered Payable in cash, the total consideration of the acquisition is HK$9.71 billion, representing approximately 1.32 times of the book net assets of HK$7.38 billion of Bank of America (Asia). The acquisition is subject to the approvals of the Chinese and overseas authorities and CCB shareholders in a general meeting. It is expected that the acquisition will be completed before the end of 2006. CCB and Bank of America have established a long-term strategic partnership since Bank of America became a strategic investor of CCB in 2005, highlighted by close cooperation in a wide array of areas, including personal banking, risk management, information technology and corporate governance. “Bank of America (Asia) is a typical small-to-medium sized retail bank in Hong Kong, providing banking services for individuals and small-to-medium enterprises,” said Mr. Zhang Jianguo, the newly appointed President of China Construction Bank. “Bank of America (Asia) is equipped with an experienced management team and strong financial performance, and the bank shows little overlapping with the Hong Kong business of CCB. Therefore, it is a very appropriate choice of acquisition for us. ” “In the foreseeable future, CCB will be developed After acquiring Bank of America (Asia), the business scale of CCB in Hong Kong will be more than doubled. The total amount of customer loans will also jump from the 16th to the 9th highest in the Hong Kong banking industry. Mr. Fan Yifei, Vice President of China Construction Bank and the executive responsible for the deal, assured investors the significant synergies to be created by the acquisition. ”The acquisition will immediately enhance the earnings per share of CCB,” said Mr. Fan. “Looking forward, CCB will leverage on the foundation of Bank of America (Asia) to optimize and consolidate its retail banking business in Hong Kong. In the long run, we can make use of the retail platform of Bank of America (Asia) to provide our high-end customers with full-scale personal finance and clearing services, while the small-to-medium enterprise customers of Bank of America (Asia) will be able to enjoy more comprehensive services with CCB. The deal will create tremendous synergies for us to integrate our business in Hong Kong and mainland China in many aspects.” “The deal has created a win-win situation for both parties,” said a spokesman of CCB. “Through this transaction, we can rapidly enhance our service capabilities in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. This is in line with our overseas developmental strategy, and can expand our market share in Hong Kong. As for Bank of America, the deal represents an important step for the bank to realign its global and Asia Pacific strategies. Our customers are undoubtedly the largest beneficiary of the deal, as they will be able to enjoy our enhanced services.” CCB has been enhancing its operating efficiencies in recent years, with healthy development in its international presence and rapid growth in its foreign exchange businesses. CCB has selected Hong Kong to be an important foothold of its overseas developmental strategies, with an aim to drive its overseas operations. In addition, CCB is actively coping with the international banking trend to place an intense focus on retail banking for strategic growth. The acquisition of Bank of America (Asia) represents a strong initiative of CCB to expand its overseas presence and retail banking business. Company Background:
Bank of America (Asia) is one of the 24 licensed banks in Hong Kong, operating 14 branches in Hong Kong and 3 branches in Macau. As a small-to-medium sized retail bank, Bank of America (Asia) sees approximately 65% of its revenue coming from its personal banking business. As at December 31, 2005, the Bank recorded total assets of HK$49.07 billion and net assets of HK$7.38 billion. The total assets and total loans of the bank account for approximately 0.7% and 1.3% of those of all licensed banks in Hong Kong. As reflected by its previous financial results, Bank of America (Asia) is characterized with reliable operations, well-established business processes, experienced management, quality staff force, healthy financial performance and premium assets. China Construction Bank (HKEX Stock Code: 0939) CCB is a pioneer of improving and developing the PRC banking sector. It is the first of the big four PRC commercial banks to complete establishment as a joint stock bank in 2004. In 2005, we introduced Bank of America and Temasek as strategic partners. CCB succeeded in listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in October that year and became a public bank with investors all over the world. In the meantime, CCB continued to strengthen the corporate management infrastructure, as well as carry out a series of effective revolutions and innovations in aspects like internal organization structure, risk and internal control management, human resources management and operation workflow reengineering. It has successfully become a bank with the most comprehensive competitiveness, customer service ability, risk control ability and profitability, and won wide recognition both in China and overseas. CCB was awarded “Bank of the Year” in the PRC by The Banker in 2005. In Asiaweek released in July 2006, among the Top 300 Banks in Asia, CCB was the bank with the “Highest Net Interest Income” and “Highest Net Profit”, rated as the “Most Profitable Bank in Asia”. CCB has been awarded the "Bank of the Year'' in China in 2005 by The Banker magazine. It is also ranked the 11th place and the first place respectively on the lists of "Top 1000 Global Banks" and "Top 100 PRC Banks" published by The Banker. In addition, CCB has secured the seventh place on the list of "Top 300 Asian Banks" released by Asiaweek. It is also recognized as the bank with the "highest net interest income" and the "highest net profit", and is therefore rated as the "most profitable bank in Asia." CCB has been awarded the "Best Managed Company", "Best Corporate Governance", "Best Commitment To Strong Dividend" released by FinanceAsia. |